SHELBY HAMFEST, September 2024
Back row: Ken WB2RFK, Karl KQ4KVC, Joy. KQ4KVD. Ken is now a silent key.
Posted January 21, 2025
Meet and Greet at Cagney's Kitchen in Midway, NC on Saturday, June 29, 2024 beginning 1:00 PM. The location is 11464 Old U.S. Hwy 52, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 .
Chris N4TOK and Allan N3JEI |
Glenn WB4VEJ and his XYL Patsy. To Patsy's right are David KR4OE, Adeania XYL-KR4OE, Belle KG4NEQ (red sweater), Raymond KG4CPM |
David KR4OE and his XYL Adeania |
Buddy KM4JCP and his XYL Linda |
Glenn WB4VEJ and his XYL Patsy. |
James KJ4SHO...maker of fine chocolate cakes |
John W4CC, Bryan K4IOA, and Ronda W4RGF |
Sally (XYL K4AYZ) in foreground |
Fred AF4CJ and Delores KF4FMI |
2015 Al Parker Award properly awarded to Glenn WB4VEJ this year. Now you know why we pestered you about attending the party last year! |
Wayne KB3KCJ awards the 2016 Al Parker Award to Chris N4TOK. For the first time in recent history, both our Net Manager and the APA recipient were present at the party! |
Thanks to Ed K3JKQ for taking all of the pictures AND for doing the legwork to get the Al Parker Award made! |
Arr! Pirate's Christmas booty! |
Ronda W4RGF and Adeania KR4OE-XYL |
Jim K4AYZ, Ray W1REB, Ollie W1ORB, Sally K4AYZ-XYL |
Sally K4AYZ-XYL, Belle KG4NEQ, Raymond KG4CPM. Great to have Belle and Raymond here this year! |
A year late, but K4IOA awards the 2014 Al Parker Award to Alan N3JEI |
Ollie W1ORB, Ray W1REB, Jim K4AYZ |
Something had Fred AF4CJ and Delores KF4FMI tickled!..................... |
......this was probably the cause......K4AYZ steals the peanuts from K4IOA. But all is fair and fun in a Pirate's Christmas! |
Ray W1REB and Jim K4AY......Z |
Wayne KB3KCJ live from Indiana via Skype |